Our History

Stockbrokers Zambia Limited (SBZ) is a founder-member of the Lusaka Stock Exchange ( LuSE ) and pioneer in its quest to support the development and growth of the capital market in Zambia. In the first instance, SBZ is regulated and licensed as a Dealer by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zambia (SEC). under the Securities Act. Secondly, SBZ is a broker – member of the LuSE for the provision of stockbroking services to investors. In summary, SBZ has a dual role of dealing and broking in financial instruments (e.g. shares) in Zambia.

SBZ traces its background and history to 1993 when the Securities Act was enacted in Zambia, and two firms, Cavmont Securities Limited ( CSL ) and Meridien Securities Limited, stepped forward to incorporate and launch the LuSE in 1994 as founding members. Subsequently, the broking operations of CSL were placed under Cavmont Stockbrokers Limited which in 2004, was delinked from the Cavmont Group via a management buyout and renamed Stockbrokers Zambia Limited.

Rooted as the recognized pioneering stock brokerage in Zambia, SBZ established itself as co-founder member of the Lusaka Stock Exchange in collaboration with the co-founder member Meridien Financial Services Limited. As a result of this tremendous initiative, the LuSE commencement operations on 21st February, 1994. SBZ continues to actively contribute to the development and growth of the Zambian capital market and the LuSE.

What we do as a Dealer

As a dealer, SBZ provides corporate finance and investment banking advisory services to corporates.This primarily involves raising capital, corporate restructurings, mergers and acquisitions and strategic support.

What we do as a broker on the LuSE

SBZ is a founder broker member of the LuSE from its inception in 1994. As a broker, SBZ is a point of contact in the market for anyone interested in buying or selling shares or bonds on the LuSE. As a broker, SBZ helps clients to open trading accounts on the LuSE and provides investment advice to clients. SBZ produces Daily Market Reports and, updates and information on the listed companies, market trends and assists clients with structuring and managing their investment portfolios to suit their objectives.

Our Vision

  • That as many Zambian as possible will embrace and use the stock market in Zambia to save, invest and create wealth for themselves and their families,
  • That Zambia will remain open to free capital flows and cross-border investments to unlock value and wealth creation for both domestic and international investors.

Strategic Alliances

Auerbach – Grayson

NY , USA : Partner broker with SBZ since 2004 A key link for US based investors to access the Zambian market and investment opportunities via the LuSE

Enko Capital

South Africa ( a pan African financial services group); A link for collaboration on a broad range of investment banking services.

Imara Holdings

( Pan African financial services group): Partners with SBZ since 2005 on corporate finance advisory services ( capital raising, restructurings, mergers and acquisitions). Imara has an equity interest in SBZ

Financifi Africa

Collaboration with SBZ to help listed companies have a world-class Online Investor Relations presence. The platform enables listed companies to display stock market data, report financial information, discharge dividend declaration information and present governance structure and information.